brt-entity 下
放 ept entity, 其他都是吃 m2 下的 jar 檔的 entity
brt-netterm-applet 下
netterm 相關程式
brt-webapp 下
package gov.nta.brt.web.dto;
package gov.nta.brt.web.rest;
package gov.nta.brt.web.controller;
brt-service 下
package gov.nta.brt.dto;
package gov.nta.brt.repository;
各操作 db table 的 repository interface
package gov.nta.brt.repository.custom;
各操作 db table 的 repository 客製化 interface
package gov.nta.brt.service;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 打 rest api 呼叫路徑: 1 . xxxResouce.java 呼叫 xxxService.java 方法2 . xxxService.java 使用 xxxRepository.java 的方法去撈 db 資料 開報表 呼叫路徑: 1 . xxxController.java 呼叫 xxxService.java 方法2 . xxxService.java 使用 xxxRepository.java 的方法去撈 db 資料
Spring annotation
xxxResource.java 或 xxxController.java 使用
自動注入 log 來使用
簡單來說就是把 request 對應到 rest api method 上的 url
注入物件 讓 spring 控制物件的生命週期
用在 post, put
the @RequestBody annotation maps the HttpRequest body to a transfer or domain object
The @ResponseBody annotation tells a controller that the object returned is automatically serialized into JSON and passed back into the HttpResponse object.
@Controller v.s @RestController
xxxService.java 使用
We mark beans with @Service to indicate that it’s holding the business logic
Spring data
提供存取 DB 資料的框架
Why Spring Data?
提供Code Gen. by Interface Method機制
1 2 3 BooleanExpression exp = customer.firstname.eq("Beta" ).and(customer.lastname.eq("Huang" )); Customer customer = repo.findOne(exp);
Code Gen. by Interface Method
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 public interface Brt910fdRepository extends EntityRepository <Brt910fd , Brt910fdId >, Brt910fdRepositoryCustom { public List<Brt910fd> findByPasswdAndScode (String passwd, String scode) ; }
By 之前可加 Distinct
By 之後為查詢的 where 條件
String 類別屬性可以標注 IgnoreCase
可加 OrderBy
使用時機:當覺得根據規則寫出來的method name難以閱讀/理解時,以@Query替換執行的查詢語法
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 public interface Brt910fdRepository extends EntityRepository <Brt910fd , Brt910fdId >, Brt910fdRepositoryCustom { @Query (value = "Select * from BRT910FD where passwd = :cardcode " + "and scode = :scode " , nativeQuery = true ) public List<Brt910fd> findByPasswd (@Param("cardcode" ) String cardcode,@Param ("scode" ) String scode) ; @Query (value = "Select * from BRT910FD where scode = :scode " , nativeQuery = true ) public List<Brt910fd> findOver3Month (@Param("scode" ) String scode) ; @Query (value = "select * from BRT910FD where passwd =:desPass and scode = :scode " , nativeQuery = true ) public List<Brt910fd> findForcarcodeEnter (@Param("desPass" ) String desPass, @Param ("scode" ) String scode) ; }
repository 有提供基本操作與查詢的method
1 2 3 4 5 6 public interface Brt910fdRepositoryCustom { public List<Sys306fa> checkSys306fa (String bchno, String workday, String scode) ; public List<String> findFor952eRs1 (String desPassWd) ; }
1 2 3 public class Brt910fdRepositoryImpl implements Brt910fdRepositoryCustom {...略 }
執行複雜的Native SQL
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 public class Brt910fdRepositoryImpl implements Brt910fdRepositoryCustom { @Autowired private SqlExecutor sqlExe; @Override public List<Sys306fa> checkSys306fa (String bchno, String workday, String scode) { Map<String, Object> whereConsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereConsMap.put("scode" , scode); StringBuilder pdfName = new StringBuilder(); pdfName.append("(" ); pdfName.append("'BRT202R_" + workday + "_" + bchno + ".pdf'" ); pdfName.append(",'BRT243R_" + workday + "_" + bchno + ".pdf'" ); pdfName.append(")" ); StringBuilder sqlsb = new StringBuilder(); sqlsb.append("select * from sys306fa where scode = :scode and rpt_name in @{pdfName}" ); sqlsb.append("" ); String sql = sqlsb.toString(); sql = sql.replace("@{pdfName}" , pdfName); return sqlExe.queryForList(sql, whereConsMap, Sys306fa.class); } @Override public List<String> findFor952eRs1 (String desPassWd) { String sql = " select '科長卡' as kind from Brt910fd where passwd = :desPassWd and scode = :scode " + " union all" + " select '科員卡' as kind from Brt910fa where passwd = :desPassWd and scode = :scode " ; Map<String, Object> whereConsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); NtaUser user = (NtaUser) UserHolder.getUser(); String scode = String.valueOf(user.getScode()); whereConsMap.put("desPassWd" , desPassWd); whereConsMap.put("scode" , scode); return sqlExe.queryForList(sql, whereConsMap, String.class); } }