承接上一篇 ng-content 的用法
現在我們希望在勾選 checkbox 時會顯示訊息,
也就是取得 child content 的 checkbox 值, 塞到 showMessage, 來顯示這段文字
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| <div *ngIf="showMessage"> You will be logged in for 30 days </div>
用 @ContentChild 取得 child content
但在 auth-form.componet.ts
要如何取得 auth-rember.componet.ts
(child content) checkbox 的值呢?
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| <!--auth-form.componet.ts --> ... @ContentChild(AuthRememberComponent) remember: AuthRememberComponent; ...
這樣就能取得 dom, auth-rember.componet.ts
(child content) 的內容
| <ng-content select="auth-remember"></ng-content>
實作 ngAfterContentInit()
接著 implements lifecycle-hooks AfterContentInit
實做 ngAfterContentInit()
把 auth-rember.componet.ts
(child content) 的 checked 值
帶回來塞入我們自訂的 showMessage 裡面, 如此就大功告成!
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| export class AuthFormComponent implements AfterContentInit {
showMessage: boolean;
@ContentChild(AuthRememberComponent) remember: AuthRememberComponent;
@Output() submitted: EventEmitter<User> = new EventEmitter<User>();
ngAfterContentInit() { if (this.remember) { this.remember.checked.subscribe((checked: boolean) => this.showMessage = checked); } }
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| import { Component, Output, EventEmitter, ContentChild, AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthRememberComponent } from './auth-remember.component';
import { User } from './auth-form.interface';
@Component({ selector: 'auth-form', template: ` <div> <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(form.value)" #form="ngForm"> <ng-content select="h3"></ng-content> <label> Email address <input type="email" name="email" ngModel> </label> <label> Password <input type="password" name="password" ngModel> </label> <ng-content select="auth-remember"></ng-content> <div *ngIf="showMessage"> You will be logged in for 30 days </div> <ng-content select="button"></ng-content> </form> </div> ` }) export class AuthFormComponent implements AfterContentInit {
showMessage: boolean;
@ContentChild(AuthRememberComponent) remember: AuthRememberComponent;
@Output() submitted: EventEmitter<User> = new EventEmitter<User>();
ngAfterContentInit() { if (this.remember) { this.remember.checked.subscribe((checked: boolean) => this.showMessage = checked); } }
onSubmit(value: User) { this.submitted.emit(value); }